
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Today is the seventh of July

Today is the seventh of July.73 years before,the Japanese Invaders started the aggression at Lugou bridge, Beijing.From this date till 1945, nearly 18-20 million Chinese people were killed during the war.
I saw an article of Long Yingtai in龍應台:一個中國人死了,一個美國人死了,一個猶太人死了。),which is about the fact that nobody in China(Taiwan) even mention the incident,the war and the victims of world war two.
To prove Long Yingtai's statement,I went to some of the largest Chinese web sites such as sina,163,cctv and Nanfang Daily etc. It is true:NONE OF THESE MAINSTREAM MEDIA SITES REPORT ABOUT THE VICTIMS AND THE WAR CRIME.Only the cctv site mentions the "7th of July" incident, but it seems that the editor prefers to talk about Japanese army's secret instead of Chinese victims' death.
I then went to the popular social networking sites and forums such as renren,mop and tianya etc. Only tianya got this something about the history on its home site linking to a memorial post.
I also googled the key word "7th of July".Ironically,on a site called"today in the history", there's nothing about what was happening in China.There is a list of death, no Chinese name was there.
I feel upset, it is true what Long Yingtai said:"只是從來不見,在七七那樣的日子,中國人用一天的時間肅靜下來,哀矜過去、審視未來,深沉地面對一下民族的靈魂,從來不見。" (Chinese people never spend a day to memoerate the past,the nation's history seriously,never.)
I recognise that we olny get notifications from media about happy dates to celebrate. Memorial dates in the history are less and less to be mentioned.If Chinese our selves do not pay attention to our humiliating and miserable past, who else will remember it?
So I write down all these,as my own mourning.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting Monica! I also think that history is important and we need to think about them and memorate them. Like you did, I've also searched some historical key words in websites to find whether there is any blog to deal with them, and most of them(at least with my key words!) deal with them.

    I find interesting point that sometimes those posts helps me to remind the history again and gives me information that I didn't know. (But I think I can't totally believe what they say, still need to search to find the truth.. one post is not enough :p) At the same time, what they think about and how they feel about the events make me interesting and make me do commenting kk! like I want to comment on your idea about the topic. :D
